Keynote Speakers/主讲嘉宾:


M.Shahidul Islam.png

Pro.M.Shahidul Islam

Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, Malaysia 

报告题目/Title:Engineering Role in Developing Technologies for Carbon Capturing from Industries and Using to Mitigating Global Climate Change Effect



Pro.Badrul Hisham bin Ahmad

Faculty of Electronics and Computer Engineering, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka, Malaysia 

报告题目/Title:Design and Development of High Performance RF Frontend Interfero Meter System


A.Pro.Huang Chao-Hsi

Department of Computer Science & Information Engineering,National Ilan University. Taiwan

报告题目/Title:Beyond the MOOC - Exploring Computer Technology applied to Online Courses


Oral Speakers/口头报告嘉宾:


Dr.Jiang Zhu

Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan

报告题目/Title:Advanced researches on digital manufacturing and intelligent manufacturing


Senior Engineer Pengfei Hu-胡鹏飞高级工程师

Guizhou University, China-贵州大学

报告题目/Title:The Application of orthogonality cross correlation algorithm in weak signal detection


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