Dr. Abu Zahrim Yaser.png

Dr. Abu Zahrim Yaser

(Deputy Dean (Research And Innovation))

Universiti Malaysia Sabah,Malaysia

Research Area:

Wastewater Treatment, Composting, Membrane Technology, Campus Sustainability


Towards Efficient Waste Management for   Campus Sustainability

摘要/ Abstract

The campus is a symbol of idealism,   highly intelligence and is why its community should have growth mindsets that   can improve environmental sustainability; which not only adapts and reacts to   the pollutions but that can generate profits from it e.g. compost or fuel   from the generation of food waste. It is undeniable that the general public   has high expectation and trust in the capabilities of the campus community.   Therefore, the campus community can be the best example of implementing an   environmental sustainability agenda. In this study, composition of waste   produce from faculty cafeteria was evaluated and then composting of food   waste with leaves was carried out using turned-passive aerated composter.   Maximum reduction of ~46% from initial mixture was obtained. Growing of   jasmine tree using the compost also has been conducted successfully.

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