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Pro.Edward Ng Hon Khay, Singapore Management University, Singapore


Research Area:Banking, Risks


Title:Lifelong Learning - the Singapore approach



Singapore is known to be a nation with almost no natural resources except a strategic location. From the moment of independence in 1965, it was recognized that human capital is the only asset that will drive the economic.  In the early decades of nationhood, attention was focused on the institutionalization of the formal basic education sector. After the primary and secondary school system has been established, resources were channeled to vocational training for those unsuited for academic learning. The current iteration of this effort known as the Institute of Technical Education has been given a global excellence award.

As with many other countries, the greying population together with rapid technological advances pose another challenge.  Despite the emphasis, only slightly more than 1 in 2 Singaporeans have a post-Secondary diploma.  As the fastest changes in the knowledge domain are taking place in advanced areas like computerization, what was learned in schools could be outdated after two to three decades of working life. Cab drivers who do not know how to use a digital map on a mobile phone can find themselves replaced. The critical need for this season is how to make lifelong learning (LLL) a culture.

There is no single correct approach to developing LLL and Singapore has its own hits and misses.  Early initiatives were attempts to get the non-executive worker acquire basic IT skills using Microsoft Excel and Word.  Private firms were engaged to offer heavily subsidized training. This was well-intended but quickly ran into the problem of expectations management. Those who completed such courses expected quick job placements or even promotions in their current ones. The reality, however, was that the younger generation was entering the workforce already armed with such knowledge. Knowing how to use Excel was no longer an edge. Enrolment quickly decreased.

Another thread was to invest in upgrading specific industries. Finance and Hotel were among those selected for fast-tracking. I was personally involved in the Finance industry development as a content developer, trainer and assessor.  Here again, the intention was right but implementation could have been better. Using the analogy of driving, it was not clearly decided if the initiative is to enable an unlicensed driver to obtain a proper licence and make the roads safer or to train new learners. A new learner cannot start with reverse parking which would not trouble an unlicensed driver with years on the road.

Reference: Maran, Laal, MD and Peyman Salamati, MD, 2012, Procedia, Social and Behavioral Sciences, 31, pp 399-403.

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Prof. Lee Pui Mun, School of Business,Singapore University of Social Sciences, Singapore

李沛珉教授 新跃社科大学

Research Area:Service and Product Quality Management ,Business Analytics, Digital Economy Strategy, Organization Performance Measurement Models


Title:Business Transformation in the Digital Economy



The advent of the digital economy brings disruptions and opportunities to all organizations.  The proliferations of new business models give rise to intense competition in many industries.  Organizations have to leverage on new technologies and business intelligence to transform themselves into informational-driven businesses in order to compete effectively.  This presentation discusses the growth of informational-driven businesses in the digital economy.


Prof. Xie Ming, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore


Research Area:Management, Education, Humanity Sciences


Title:Applications of Control Theory in Engineering to Management of Social Systems



Within the wide spectrum of frequencies, the universe could be classified into three layers, namely: the layer of materials, the layer of devices, and the layer of systems. At the level of systems, we face open-loop control/management systems, close-loop control/management systems, analogue systems, digital systems, etc. Since the literal meanings of control and management are very similar, the theories behind control and management should be the same. However, the reality is that control and management are two different topics in science and engineering. Most importantly, the theory of control is much more advanced than the theory of management. As a result, there is a need to bridge the gap between control and management. In particular, it is important to create the awareness of control theory among professionals in the field of management. In this talk, I will outline the key concepts of control theory, and explain how these useful concepts in control theory could shape the mindsets of people in management positions. Certainly, better ways of managing various social systems on Earth will greatly increase the world’s level of civilization into a new height.

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Prof.Timothy Jung, Manchester Metropolitan University, the UK

Timothy Jung教授,曼彻斯特城市大学

Research Area:AI, Big Data, IoT and 5G powered Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality


Title:Immersive Learning & Training in Universities and Hospitals in the UK



Immersive technologies such as augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR) and mixed reality (MR) offer exciting opportunities for human computer interaction and new business cases. Immersive technologies are predicted to have a huge impact on various industries from tourism, entertainment, retail, sports, education to healthcare and will most likely to change the way we learn, teach and train. In this keynote speech, I will explore the impact and potential benefits of immersive technologies on learning and training by presenting a number of use cases including MootCourt VR project for Law training, AR/VR museum project for learning of school children, VR for surgical training, VR for patient rehabilitation training and so on. I will also look at key challenges as well as opportunities through the combination of immersive technology and other emerging technologies including AI, IoT, Big Data and 5G. The talk will end with suggestions how learning and training organisations can harness the power of immersive technology by focusing on the way these immersive technologies can improve quality of life, well-being and happiness.


Prof. Xiaobing Liu, Dalian University of Technology, China


Research Area:Production Operation Management, Maintenance, Repair & Operations


Title:Maintenance Repair and Overhaul in Rail Transit: A Scientometric Review



With the rapid development of rail transit, maintenance repair and overhaul (MRO) become an important service to improve customer satisfaction. The purpose of this paper is therefore to analyze the research published on ‘MRO in the rail transit’ over the past two decades. This is achieved to observe and understand the historical trends and to exhibit potential directions of further research. Thus, to trace the evolution of MRO in the rail transit industry, and the software CiteSpace is employed to analyze 2,842 publications extracted from the Web of Science Core Collection. The prime value and uniqueness of this paper lies in analyzing and compiling the existing published material by examining variables (such as yearly publications, regions/countries of each publication, etc.). This has been achieved by synthesizing existing publications using keywords as follows: "Railway", "Rail Transit", "Rail Traffic", "Rail Transportation", "High-speed Railway", "Metro", "Urban Rail Vehicle", "Subway", "Maintenance", "Repair", "Overhaul". The prime contributions of this research are identified by associating (a) authors with most publications and co-authorship network, (b) categories with most publications and with strongest citation bursts, (c) Keyword co-occurrence, and (d) Co-cited references network, basic and frontier references. These contributions offer insights into the trends of MRO in rail transit. The analysis presented in this paper has identified green, sustainable science and technology, as well as mathematics, interdisciplinary applications are some of the tendencies in the field of rail MRO. This research has implications for researchers, journal editors, practitioners, universities and research institutions. Moreover, it is likely to form the basis and motivation for review other database resources in this area.

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