
The conference offers comprehensive cooperation programme, including host   conferences,co- sponsored conferences,exhibition opportunities and area for academic investigation, etc.. Any cooperation can be customized to meet the needs of your organization.


The organizing committee welcomes scientific research personnel in all fields with a strong team, and creatively invite higher teaching institutions and scientific research institutions at home and abroad to become the co-organizers of the Conference of 2019 International Conference on Composite Materials and Metallurgical Engineering (CMME2019).大会组委会期待以最盛大的阵容迎接各领域科研人员,创新性地向国内外高等院校、科研机构等发出合作邀请,成为CMME 2019的联合主办单位。

To become the co-organizers of the conference, the following requirements must be met:


1. Have strong influence in its field.单位在所属领域内有较强影响力;

2. Innovate scientific research and represent future direction in its research field.科研创新,能代表该研究领域未来发展方向;

3. Pass the organizing committee extensive reviews.通过大会组委会严格审核。

As the conference partner, you will enjoy the right of its co-hosted conference naming right, advertising, agenda setting, and guests invitation etc.. We offer special exhibition area to provide a full range of display for our partners.


We will together with you to host a higher-quality international conference.


According to the variety of cooperation types, we offer different services and privileges. For reservation and enquiring regarding cooperation, please do not hesitate to email at: cooperation@keoaeic.org.


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