Keynote Speakers:

Prof Ts Dr Ahmad Zuhairi bin Abdullah.jpg

Prof. Ahmad Zuhairi bin Abdullah


School of Chemical Engineering, Universiti Sains Malaysia 


Research Area: Catalysis, wastewater engineering and renewable fuels

Ahmad Zuhairi Abdullah于1995年获得马来西亚理科大学的BTech(荣誉)学位。他在1998年硕士学位课程开始之前,曾在多个行业担任质量和生产工程师近4年。他获得了硕士学位。 2000年在化学工艺技术领域。四年后,他获得了化学工程领域的博士学位,专攻催化和反应工程。他的博士研究得到了马来西亚科学,技术和创新部提供的国家科学奖学金的支持。 Ahmad Zuhairi Abdullah是马来西亚化学研究所的注册化学家,迄今已在国际和本地期刊上发表过多篇研究论文。他还积极参与多个与当地工业相关的环境工程项目咨询工作。他目前的研究领域是催化,废水工程和可再生燃料。目前,有8名研究生在他的监督下完成了硕士或博士论文。他获得的奖项包括马来西亚理科大学2004年度最佳论文奖和2005年马来西亚高等教育研究与发展展览会金奖。他还积极参与社区服务,担任马来西亚国家服务计划的培训师。


Title: Conversion of fatty acid distillate into hydrocarbon fuels by nickel-incorporated mesostructured cellular foam catalyst


This paper focused on the use of fatty acid distillate to produce alkanes and alkenes hydrocarbons through catalytic means that can be used as a renewable fuel due to similar characteristics with diesel hydrocarbons. The fatty acid distillate as the reaction feedstock is in fact a waste material generated in the processing (refinery) of palm oil to edible oil and it has limited use. Palm oil industry is well-known for causing pollution from its upstream (plantation) to downstream (refinery) industry. Any effort to reduce the degree of pollution be utilizing waste materials to produce value-added materials will certainly contribute to the conservation of environment. In a way, this work fulfills the objective of 'waste to wealth' and it happens that the reaction product is meant to be used as a renewable energy source. 



Prof. Irena Kostova


Department of Chemistry, Medical University, Bulgaria


Research Area: coordination chemistry, vibrational analysis and biologically active compounds

Irena Kostova是保加利亚索非亚医科大学药学院化学系的教授,自1994年以来一直在教学。获得俄罗斯化学技术大学最高等级的化学学士学位和硕士学位“D.I. Mendeleev“,莫斯科,俄罗斯。毕业后,她被任命为保加利亚共和国环境部科学研究中心的研究科学家和高级研究员。毕业于索菲亚医科大学第二个专业“医学化学理论基础”。她的博士学位和D.Sc化学论文由索菲亚医科大学授予。与许多欧洲大学建立,促进和保持关系,包括德国维尔茨堡的Physikalische Chemie研究所; Sapienza大学,意大利罗马;斯洛伐克科希策萨法里克大学

Kostova教授是金属药物,亚洲化学快报;国际药物发现杂志,国际现代化学杂志的编辑。抗癌药物发现的专利评论和药物化学抗癌药物编辑和咨询委员会成员;世界病毒学杂志;印度纯粹与应用物理学报;开放癌症期刊;关于抗感染药物发现的专利;感染与耐药;英国医学与医学研究杂志;国际化学杂志;国际环境科学杂志;数据集化学论文; Makara of Technology Series,Peertechz Journal of Medicinal Chemistry and Research。 Kostova教授是国际期刊的几个特刊和“金属蛋白质百科全书”(Springer-Verlag GmbH)的部门编辑的客座编辑。   




In the last decade a number of lanthanide(III) complexes have been synthesized and characterized. These studies highlighted the potential of developing novel lanthanide complexes with improved biological potency. To evaluate the relationship between the biological activity and molecular structure of the newly obtained metal complexes, the knowledge of their electronic structures and spectral properties are particularly important. In the present work new lanthanide(III) complexes of biologically active ligands were synthesized and their structures were determined by means of density functional theory calculations, analytical and spectral (NMR, FT-IR and FT-Raman) analyses to understand the structural and bonding features, the intramolecular interactions of biologically active organic compounds and their lanthanide(III) complexes. This study gave evidence for the coordination mode of the ligands to lanthanide ions taking into consideration the vibrational modes, sensitive to interaction with the lanthanides. The cytotoxic activity of the newly prepared compounds was determined by MTT method using different tumour cell lines. The screening performed revealed that the tested compounds exerted cytotoxic activity upon the evaluated cell lines which in all the cases is more pronounced for the lanthanide(III) complexes than for the respective ligands. Taken together our data give us reason to conclude that the newly synthesized lanthanide(III) complexes should be subset to further more detailed pharmacological and toxicological evaluation. 

Oral Presentation:

1.杨建辉副教授 (衢州学院) Jianhui Yang - Quzhou University,China

Title:Rational theoretical design of ultra-thin spin valve with high magnetoresistance based on two-dimensional materials

Abstract: Half-metals are promising candidates for designing efficient spin filters owing to their unique electronic structures, which show the electrical conductivity for spin-up states and a band gap for spin-down states. Herein, designing excellent ultrathin spin filters by using half-metal two-dimensional Cr2NO2, which has a Curie temperature of 566 K, is demonstrated based on first-principles calculations. Our results reveal that the required energy to overturn the spin arrangement of bilayer Cr2NO2, from parallel to anti-parallel states, is quite low. The bilayer Cr2NO2 maintains its half-metal behavior while sandwiched within the Au/Cr2NO2/Au heterojunction. Owing to the half-metal characteristic, the total current of Au/Cr2NO2/Au can reach a value of 15 nA per primitive cell under a low voltage of 10 mV in parallel states. The magnetoresistance ratio is 9,333% at low voltage. The robust half-metal behavior, high Curie temperature, and two-dimensional structuremake Cr2NO2 an ideal ultrathin spin-filtering material with high switching ratio and low energy consumption.

2. Vania Maslarska - Medical University, Sofia

Title: Determination of Pharmaceuticals by Direct Potentiometry

Abstract: Quantitative method for determination of pharmaceuticals whit acid-base properties based on potentiometric titration was proposed. A new approach for treatment of experimental data by non-linear regression was used. The acid-base constants of the substances were determined by direct potentiometric method in aqueous or non-aqueous solutions (I=0.2 mol/l KCl) at t = 25oC. A general formula valid for every type of acid-base titration, derived before is used as a direct input. The calculations were carried out by means of ready-to-use software products. The obtained pK-values were further used for development of potentiometric method for determination of pharmaceuticals whit acid-base properties. The validation of the method showed very good accuracy and precision. The proposed method was applied for quantitative determination of pharmaceuticals in substances as well as in solid dosage forms.

3.王仁宝副教授 (合肥学院) Renbao Wang - Hefei University,China

Title: CdSe quantum dots (QDs) were synthesized by a hot-bubbling strategy

Abstract: A hot-bubbling strategy was studied to synthesize CdSe quantum dots. The synthetic parameters including temperature and growth time, were studied to show great influence on the optical properties. At the different reaction time CdSe quantum dots could emit fluorescence of different color, ranging from green to red, under the ultraviolet lamp which had irradiation of 365nm. The size of CdSe quantum dots was adjusted by the temperature and reaction time. CdSe quantum dots with sphalerite structure were prepared by this method.


    Bingxia Yuan - Shanghai University of Electric Power, China

Title: Study on the preparation of oxide photoelectric materials and AgInS2 quantum dot materials

Abstract: The red water-soluble AgInS2 quantum dots (AIS QDs) were synthesized by one-step hydrothermal method. The effects of reaction time and molar ratio of precursors on the bandgap and fluorescence properties of AIS QDs were studied by UV-Vis absorption spectra, photoluminescence (PL) spectra and X-ray diffraction (XRD). The experimental results indicated that the fluorescence peak of AIS QDs could be adjusted and the fluorescence peak of PL showed blue-shifted from 798nm to 695nm with the increase of reaction time, and color of the solution showed a red in natural light after reaction. In addition, the bandgap of AIS QDs was small, and with the increase of reaction time, the maximum bandgap is 0.46ev at 12h. Moreover, this method has simple and controllableexperimental conditions, does not need too many experimental steps, therefore is safer and more experimental. 

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