Arumugam Raman_gaitubao_com_80x104.jpg

A.Prof. Arumugam Raman, School of Education and Modern Languages, Universiti Utara Malaysia, Malaysia

Arumugam Raman副教授 马来西亚北方大学

Research Area:Educational Technology, Research Method, Statistics in Education



标题:工业革命4.0 技术领导力与教师技术整合的再思考


This study aims to identify the influence of Principals' Technology Leadership on Teachers' Technology Integration in Malaysian secondary schools. This is a cross sectional survey where systematic random sampling was carried out to select 47 principals and 375 teachers from National Secondary Schools in the northern region of Kedah, Malaysia. Two questionnaires were used: Principals Technology Leadership Assessment (PTLA), which is based on the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE)- Standards for Administrators (2014) was administered to principals, while the Learning with ICT: Measuring ICT Use in the Curriculum Instrument was administered to the teachers from the same schools as the principals. Descriptive analysis was carried out using SPSS Version 25 and SmartPLS was used for the purposes of making the inferential analysis. Although the findings showed that the levels of Technology Leadership; the five constructs of ISTE , and Teachers’ Technology Integration were at high levels but, there was no significant relationship between Principals' Technology Leadership and Teachers' Technology Integration in the selected schools in the northern region of Kedah. Principals' preparatory programmes should emphasize leadership based on technology to enhance integration of technology in classrooms. Further research on professional development for principals’is recommended. 

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Prof. Lee Pui Mun, School of Business,Singapore University of Social Sciences

李沛珉教授 新跃社科大学

Research Area:Service and Product Quality Management ,Business Analytics, Digital Economy Strategy, Organization Performance Measurement Models


Title: Building a Competitive Business and Sustaining Business Growth



All successful businesses start with a good business model but as their success grows, many of these businesses could not sustain profitability in the long term. Many businesses could not sustain profitable growth in the long term because they do not have a good roadmap to strengthen their core capabilities and to build organizational resilience. This presentation will illustrate the roadmap for a business to build organizational resilience so as to sustain business growth and profitability.

The roadmap for sustainable business growth is based on business excellence framework used in many countries to evaluate the success of businesses. The business excellence framework requires businesses to excel in the following criteria; organizational leadership, long term strategy planning, customer focus, employee management and development, having effective operations for product/service, efficient information management, and ability to use relevant business and organization results to further improve its business.

How a firm can integrate these criteria into its business will be discussed in the presentation. For each criterion to excel on its own will not provide the synergistic effect that drives business excellence. To be effective in using the roadmap/framework, all the criteria have to be driven an overarching strategic direction. This presentation will discuss how this could be achieved.

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Prof. Stuart Perrin, Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU),China

Stuart Perrin教授 西交利物浦大学

Research Area:Transnational/Global Education, Academic Literacies, Identity and language choice

研究领域: 跨国/全球教育、学术文学、身份和语言选择

Title: XJTLU Entrepreneur College: a future model for university-business engagement today.


Abstract:Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU) Entrepreneur College (EC) has been created as a new model university/industry engagement to train future elites and leaders for emerging industries; and it is intended to be inspirational as a the future model of the University. Following a new philosophy of education, developed at the university and known as Syntegrative Education in response to the 4th Industrial Revolution, the EC integrates universities, businesses and industries in education to emphasize higher order thinking skills. Learning through doing, knowledge becomes generated based on personal experiences and environmental participation, allowing Syntegrative Education to deliver more industry elites and facilitate social development.


Traditional universities are built on and focus at the discipline level. Within the EC, disciplines have been replaced by industry themed schools, through equal partnership with well-known (established, new, and emerging) businesses both nationally and internationally; in specific fields identified jointly with local governmengt and XJTLU. These partnerships focus on future demand and key industry alignment to future development trends in areas such as:  Internet of Things, Intelligent/Smart Manufacturing, Intelligent Robotics, Big Data, Entertainment, and Supply; with industry being the catalyst for new schools and degree programmes.


This paper will highlight how Syntegrative Education and the EC can have an impact on education models globally by discussing impact on:

  • -The future university and campus concept

  • -Development of lifelong learning opportunities through AI

  • -Development of work-based learning initiatives to meet future employment demand

  • -Flexibility of degree programme development

Oral Presentation

Liu Hao_gaitubao_com_80x104.jpg

Dr. Liu Hao, School of Economics and Management, Shandong Jiaotong University, China

刘灏博士 山东交通学院

Research Area: human resource, employee turnover, behaviour nonlinear modelling


Title 1: From Pre-entry expectation to turnover intention: The social support change's moderating and organizational commitment's mediating effects among life insurance agents in Qingdao, China


Abstract 1:

This Understanding the relationships between pre-entry expectation and turnover intention among the life insurance agent in China, is the purpose of the study. Statistical environment R version 3.1.0 was employed for runing Partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) analysis. Compare to pre-entry expectation, perceived performance is more determinative of defining confirmation of expectation. Organizational commitment has more weight than post-entry satisfaction when employees making decision of staying. High composite reliability needs to be investigated whether caused by the characteristics of population or the poor content validity of the instrument. The paper applies expectation confirmation theory into human resource context. 

Title 2: The mechanism between turnover intention and turnover action: A dynamic model's construction using Laplace transform


Abstract 2:

This conceptual paper explains the possibility of sorting Allen and Meyer organizational commitment measure into boost converter model and create a dynamic modelling, in order to simulate employees' turnover action. The study suggests input data into all six possible models and finding out the best fit model. Then discourse analysis of expert opinion and card sorting exercise will be deployed for result’s triangulation. Laplace transform is suggested for processing the equations. R and OpenModelica are the proposed tools for quantitative data analysis. 

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Prof. Sundaram Janakiramanan, School of Business, Singapore University of Social Sciences, Singapore

Sundaram Janakiramanan教授 新加坡新跃大学

Research Area: Finance, Economic development

研究领域: 金融、经济发展

Title: Towards Balanced Economic Growth and Development – An Alternative Approach



Economic development refers to the problems of developing countries. A significant amount of research in development economics assumes development is synonymous to growth. However, growth occurs in extremely imbalanced way with certain regions providing greater job opportunities and infrastructural facilities while rural regions are sorely lacking such facilities. For real development to occur, it is important to ensure that job opportunities and access to resources is more equitably spread across the society. Thought the governments in developing countries try address this problem, they face uphill task mainly because of lack of resources. In this paper, we come up with a model termed as Private Initiatives for Public Projects (PIPP) whereby development can occur through effective use of businesses who can contribute both monetary resources as well as physical resources. Application of this model would benefit both the governments and businesses through rapid balanced development and economic growth of developing countries. 

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