



  英语词汇分类主要可以分为名词 (none)、 动词 (verb)、 形容词 (adjective)、 副词 (adverb)、 冠词 (article)、 代词 (pronoun)、 数词 (numeral)、介词 (preposition)、 连词 (conjunction)、 感叹词 (interjection)。

  一、 名词 -n.(none):表示人或事物的名称 作主语或宾语

  book, class, school, family, water, China, girl, farm, student, paper, computer

  例如:The girl is my sister. (主语)

  We love our motherland.(宾语)

  二、动词 -v. (verb):表示动作或状态 用在主语后,作谓语

  go, come, do, see, work, feel, speak, listen, look, agree, arrive, ask, kill, become

  例如:Igo to school at 7 o’clock in the morning. (动作)

  He speaks English very well. (动作)

  三、 形容词-adj. (adjective):表示人或事物的特征,用在be动词后,作定语或表语

  fine, big, new, old, easy, difficult, nice, beautiful, clean, favourite, important, free

  例如:It is a fine day today. (定语)

  Our classroom is big. (表语)

  四、 副词-adv. (adverb):动作或形状特征, 用在动词后

  carefully, quickly, hard, up, very, deeply, warmly, suddenly, normally, well

  例如:The man runsquickly. (动作)

  They study English hard. (状态、程度)

  五、 冠词-art. (article):用在名词前 a, an, the

  例如:This is adesk. (不定冠词)

  That is an apple. (不定冠词)

  There is a book on thedesk. (定冠词)

  The book is mine. (定冠词)

  六、代词-pron. (pronoun):代替名词或数词

  we, these, some, everybody, what, this, it, who, which, she, them, our, mine

  例如:We are students. (人称代词)

  Theseare pictures. (指示代词)

  七、数词-num. (numeral):表示数目或顺序

  one, two, three, ten, fifty, hundred, first, second, third, twentieth

  例如:There is one pen in the pencil-box. (基数词,数目)

  I got the first place in the English-speaking contest last year. (序数词,顺序)

  八、 介词-prep. (preposition):用在名词、代词前

  in, on, from, through, for, under, without, at, above, between, about, across

  例如:I amfrom America. (用在名词前)

  What can I do for you? (用在代词前)

  九、 连词-conj. (conjunction):连接词、句

  and, or, if, when, although, but, so, whether, because, that

  例如:I can speak both English andJapanese. (连接词)

  If it is fine tomorrow, I will go shopping with my parents. (连接句)

  十、 感叹词-interj. (interjection):表示感情或口气 ah, well, oh

  例如:Ah,how pitiful! (表示感情)

  Well,let me think it over. (表示口气)
