Welcome Prof. Depeng Chen from Anhui University of Technology to be Committee Member!

日期:07/26/2019 点击量:  304次


Prof. Depeng Chen, College of Architectural Engineering, Anhui University of Technology

Research Area:

Building materials, Inorganic materials

 research experience:

Professor at Anhui University of Technology and worked as Master Tutor, Institute Director of Green Building Materials, Vice dean of school of Architecture and Construction Engineering, Anhui University of Technology. Research of interest including high performance concrete and green building materials. Have finished more than 10 provincial and ministerial level projects including sub-project of 973, National Natural Science Foundation of China, Postdoctoral Science Foundation, etc. Gained the Science and Technology Progress Award of Jiangsu Province and of the Ministry of Education. Published 4 items of patented inventions and more than 60 papers, of which nearly 30 were indexed by SCI/EI.

Journal Reviewer/ Editor Board Membership

Building and Environment, Materials and Structure, Construction and Building Materials, Journal of Southeast University, Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica , Journal of Tongji University.

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