Welcome Dr. Hao Wang From R&D Centre, China Tobacco Yunnan Industrial Co., Ltd. to be Committee Member!

日期:07/22/2019 点击量:  576次

Dr. Hao Wang, R&D Centre, China Tobacco Yunnan Industrial Co., Ltd.

Research Area: 


Research Experience:

Journal Reviewer/ Editor Board Membership (2015-)

Materials & Design (SCI/EI Outstanding Reviewer), Acta Metallurgica Sinica(English letters) (SCI/EI), Engineering(SCI/EI材料导报(Materials Review, in Chinese, EI) , Research on Engineering Structures & Materials(Editor Board Member), 新型工业化(编委), Journal of Mineral, Metal and Material Engineering(Editor Board Member), 钢铁研究学报, British Journal of Applied Science & Technology, American Chemical Science Journal, International Research Journal of Pure and Applied Chemistry, Physical Science International Journal, Journal of Scientific Research and Reports, British Journal of Mathematics & Computer Science, Journal of Advances in Biology & Biotechnology, Journal of Applied Chemical Science International, Journal of Applied Physical Science International, Journal of Basic and Applied Research International, Archives of Current Research International, etc.

Conference Committee Member/Reviewer (2016-)

ICME2016, PCM2016, ICMEST2016, ICMMM2016, CMSE2016, ICMSNT2016, NMCI2016, ICAMR2017, D2ME2017, CMSE2018, ISAMSE2018, ICAEER2018, ICMMT2019, etc.

Project Experiences

Scientific Projects of China Tobacco Yunnan Industrial Co., Ltd.

Natural Science Foundation of Yunnan Province

National Natural Science Foundation of China (51174057)

National Natural Science Foundation of China (51274062)

National High Technology Research and Development Program (2012AA03A503)

Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education of China (20130042110040)

Magnetic Properties of Electrical Steel Applied in Transformers, Cogent Company & Cardiff University


[1] Hao WangChangsheng Li, et al. Effect of Ball Scribing on Magnetic Barkhausen Noise of Grain-oriented Electrical Steel [J] Journal of Materials Science and Technology 2013, 29(7): 673-677. (SCI)

[2] Hao Wang, Changsheng Li, et al. Effect of Ball Scribing on Relative Permeability of CGO and HGO Electrical Steel [J] Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters) 2013, 26(5):618-622. (SCI/EI)

[3] Wang Hao, Li Changsheng, et al. Effect of Ball Scribing on Magnetic Shielding Efficiency of Grain-oriented Silicon Steel [J] Journal of Iron and Steel Research, International, 2014, 21(7), 679-684.(SCI/EI)

[4] Wang Hao, Li Changsheng, et al. Hard Magnetization Direction and its Relation with Magnetic Permeability of Highly Grain-oriented Electrical Steel  [J] International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials, 2014, 21(11): 1077-1082. (SCI/EI)

[5] Wang Hao, Li Changsheng, et al. Effect of Ball Scribing on Power Loss Separation of Fe-3%Si Grain-oriented Silicon Steel  [J] Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Materials Edition, 2016,31(2): 435-439. (SCI/EI)

[6] Li Changsheng, Wang Hao, et al. Hard Magnetization Direction and its Relation with Magnetic Permeability of Conventional Grain-oriented Electrical Steel [J] Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 2016, 45(6): 1369-1373. (SCI/EI)

[7] Yafeng Ji, Xiao Hu, LianYun Jiang, Jie Sun, Hao Wang. Algorithmic design and application of feedback control for coiling temperature in hot strip mill[J]. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2017, 9(9): 1–7.(SCI)

[8] Hao Wang, Chang-Sheng Li, et al. Effect of Ball Scribing on Iron Loss of CGO and HGO Electrical Steel. [J] Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology (New Series) 2013,20(3):81-85. (EI)

[9] ,李长生,Nkwachukwa Chukwuchekwa球刻痕对高磁感取向硅钢磁性的影响[J] 东北大学学报(自然科学版)2013,34(11)37-41. (EI)

[10] 王浩,詹建波,余振华,等涂层应力及外加应力对烟机传感器用取向硅钢巴克豪森噪声的影响[J]磁性材料与器件, 2016, 4(6): 42-47. (中文核心)

[11] 张莹,詹建波,缪明明,余振华,余耀,王浩(通讯作者),等卷烟纸对卷烟凝灰性能的影响分析[J]. 中国造纸, 2017, 36(7): 44-47.(中文核心)

[12] 余婷婷,詹建波,程量,郑晗,姜黎,余振华,余耀,孟啸娟,王浩(通讯作者)纵向抗张能量吸收对卷烟纸包灰性能的影响[J]. 材料导报, 2017, s29: 384-387. (中文核心)

[13] 郑晗,张莹,王浩,等低引燃倾向卷烟纸的研究与应用[J]. 中国造纸, 2017, 36(9): 78-81.(中文核心)

[14] 余振华,詹建波,杨丽萍,张莹,王浩,等一种具有保湿功能卷烟纸的研发[J]. 中国造纸, 2017, 36(4): 42-45.(中文核心)

[15] 张莹,詹建波,余振华,余耀,郑晗,王浩无铝内衬纸的开发与应用[J]. 中国造纸, 2016, 35(11): 58-62. (中文核心)

[16] 贺丹锋,周冀衡,孙书斌,李鑫,张毅,张纪利,王浩罗平烟区不同植烟土壤养分状况对中部烟叶化学成分可用性的影响[J]. 天津农业科学, 2016, 22(5): 27-33. (中文核心)

[17] Hao Wang, Changsheng Li, et al. Effect of Deformation and Aging on Properties of Al-4.1%Cu-1.4%Mg Aluminum Alloy [J] ISRN Materials Science Volume 2013.

[18] Hao Wang, Changsheng Li, et al. Models between Barkhausen noise and coercive force of grain-oriented electrical steel [C] AIP Conf. Proc. 1532, 944-948 (2013).

[19] Wang Hao, Zhan Jianbo, Yu Jiang, et al. Influence of Draw Resistance on Benz [a] Pyrene and Its Contribution to Cigarette Hazard Index[J]. Journal of Scientific Research and Reports , 2016, 12(3): 1-6.

[20] Hao Wang, Jianbo Zhan, Qiufu Shan, et al. Magnetic permeability models of Fe-3%Si high-permeability grain-oriented electrical steel[J] Journal of Basic and Applied Research International 2016,12(4):210-216.

[21] Hao Wang, Jianbo Zhan, Zhenhua Yu, et al. Journal of Materials Volume 2016, Article ID 1509498, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2016/1509498

[22] Hao Wang, Jianbo Zhan, Zhenhua Yu, et al. International Journal of Metals, Volume 2016, Article ID 1980930, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2016/1980930

[23] Hao Wang, Jianbo Zhan, Zhenhua Yu, et al. Effect of Draw Resistance on Phenol and Its Contribution Degree of Cigarette Hazard Index[J]. Archives of Current Research International, 2016, 4(4): 1-7,

[24] Hao Wang, Jianbo Zhan, Zhenhua Yu, et al. STUDY ON THE DEGRADATION OF CELLULOSE ACETATE FIBER FOR CIGARETTE FILTER MATERIAL, A BRIEF REVIEW[J]. Journal of Applied Chemical Science International, 2016, 6(3): 157-162.

[25] Hao Wang, Jianbo Zhan, Zhenhua Yu, et al. Two Step and Regression Re-aging Heat Treatment of Al-5.2%Zn-2.3%Mg Alloy Applied in Cigarette Making Machines[J]. American Chemical Science Journal, 2016, 14(4): 1-10.

[26] Zhang Hongkui, Lang Fucheng, Wang Hao. Motor mechanism in Separation Test of Coal Mine Isolation Switch and Controllability Test System[J]. International Conference on Mechanical Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, 2016:870-873.


[1]  , 李长生李苗 等一种取向硅钢铁损值的测量装置及方法[P] CN103278698A

[2]  , 李长生李苗一种提高取向硅钢磁导率的装置及方法[P] CN103305682A

[3] 李长生蔡般李苗王浩一种轧制过程轧机轧辊在线加热装置及方法[P] CN103212580A

[4] 余耀,詹建波,张莹,李利伟,余振华,程量,王浩,谢姣一种香料线复合滤棒及其制作方法[P]. CN105962414A

[5] 詹建波,丁卫,余耀,张莹,李利伟,余振华,谢姣,王浩一种可做成收纳盒的香烟特制包装盒[P]. CN105947358A

[6] 詹建波,丁卫,余耀,张莹,李利伟,余振华,谢姣,王浩一种可做成手机支架的香烟特制包装盒[P]. CN105947426A

[7] 詹建波,丁卫,余耀,张莹,李利伟,余振华,谢姣,王浩一种可做成Pad支架的香烟特制包装盒[P]. CN105947427A

[8] 岳保山,王涛,龚为民,桂永发,詹建波,谢姣,张静,张莹,王浩,郑晗一种可旋转滤棒自动加工装置[P]. CN105947358A

Personal Websites:

(Researchgate)  https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Hao_Wang222/stats

(ResearcherID)  http://www.researcherid.com/rid/G-3901-2016

(ORCID)             http://orcid.org/0000-0002-2497-8834

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