Welcome Dr. Chengpeng Wan from Wuhan University of Technology (WUT) to be committee member!

日期:07/10/2018 点击量:  522次

Dr. Chengpeng Wan

Wuhan University of Technology (WUT), China

万程鹏博士 武汉理工大学

Research Area:

Maritime Transportation Safety; Transportation Resilience; Risk Modelling and Analysis; Decision Making

Research Exprience:

1. Refereeing/Reviewing Experience

   1) Accident Analysis and Prevention

   2) Maritime Policy & Management

   3) Transportation Research Part D

   4) Applied Soft Computing 

2. Publication

[1] Wan, C., Yang, Z., Zhang, D., Yan, X. & Fan, S. (2017). Resilience in transportation systems: a systematic review and future directions. Transport Reviews, 38(4), 479-498. (SSCI, IF=4.647)

[2] Wan, C., Yan, X., Zhang, D. & Yang, Z. (2018). A novel model for the quantitative evaluation of green port development – a case study of major ports in china. Transportation Research Part D Transport and Environment. 61(B), 431-443. (SCI, IF=3.445)

[3] Yan, X., Wan, C., Zhang, D. & Yang, Z. (2017). Safety management of waterway congestions under dynamic risk conditions - a case study of the Yangtze River. Applied Soft Computing, 59, 115-128. (SCI, IF=3.907)

[4] Wan, C., Yan, X., Zhang, D., Shi, J., Fu, S. & Ng, A. K. Y. (2015). Emerging LNG-fueled ships in the Chinese shipping industry: A hybrid analysis on its prospects. WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs, 14(1), 43-59.

[5] Wan C., Yan X., Zhang D, Shi, J. & Fu, S. (2014). Facilitating AHP-TOPSIS Method for Reliability Analysis of a Marine LNG-Diesel Dual Fuel Engine. International Journal of Performability Engineering, 10(5), 453-466. (EI)

[6] Wan, C., Yang, Z., Zhang, D., Yan, X. & Fan, S. (2016). Resilience in transportation systems: A systematic review and future directions. One Belt and One Road (OBOR) International Conference, Melbourne, Australia.

[7] Wan, C., Zhang, D., Yan, X. & Pu, B. (2016). A Novel Model for Development Level Analysis of LNG Fueled Ships. Transportation Research Board 95th Annual Meeting (No. 16-3325), Washington D.C., U.S

[8] Wan, C., Yan, X., Zhang, D. & Yang, Z. (2015). Quantitative evaluation of green port development – comparative analysis of major ports in China. Annual conference of the International Association of Maritime Economists (IAME), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

[9] Wan, C., Zhang, D., Shi, J., Fu, S., Yan, X. & Ng, A. K. Y. (2014). Emerging LNG Fueled Ships in Chinese Shipping Industry: A Hybrid Analysis and Prospects. Annual conference of the International Association of Maritime Economists (IAME), Norfolk, USA.

[10] Wan, C., Yan, X., Zhang, D. & Fu, S. (2013). Reliability Analysis of a Marine LNG-Diesel Dual Fuel Engine. IEEE Conference on Prognostics and System Health Management. Milano, Italy. IEEE.

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