Welcome Prof. Zied MOUMNI from ENSTA ParisTech, Northwestern Polytechnical University to be committee member!

日期:07/02/2019 点击量:  529次


Prof. Ziad Moumni, ENSTA ParisTech, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Shanghai Jiaotong University, France  (click) (click) 

Research interests: Non-linear mechanics, smart materials and structures, fatigue of materials and structures, welding, 3D printing


Zied MOUMNI is Professor of mechanical engineering, leader of the research group “matériaux et structures” (MS) and head of the “Pôle transport” at ENSTA ParisTech. He holds a Ph.D in non-linear mechanics, (LMS Ecole polytechnique, 1995) and a HDR « habilitation à diriger les recherches » in engineering sciences from the university Pierre and Marie Curie, Paris 6 (2009). His research fields deal with the theoretical and numerical modeling of the behavior, fatigue and fracture of non-linear materials and structures presenting multi-physics and thermo- mechanical coupling, namely smart materials and structures. In 2000, he created the research group MS which is today internationally recognized for its activities in the field of smart materials and structures. He is involved in many industrial applications in the field of transportation and energy (PSA, SNCF, CNES, CEA, EDF, SNECMA, Renault). He published more than 100 papers in the best international journals in the field (IJP, JMPS, IJSS, SMS, IJF, IJES etc.). He is a 1000-talent foreign expert in China and holds since May 2012 the position of visiting Professor at the Northwestern Polytechnical University in Xi’an. He is also the coordinator of the mechanical engineering  major in SPEIT (Shanghai Jiao tong University-Paristech). In 2015 Professor Ziad MOUMNI was rewarded by the prestigious "The People's Republic of China Friendship Award”(click).

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