Welcome Weitao Liu from Guangzhou Urban Strategy Institute of Guangzhou Academy of Social Sciences to be committee member!

日期:02/20/2019 点击量:  570次

Post-Doctoral,Weitao Liu,Guangzhou Urban Strategy Institute of Guangzhou Academy of Social Sciences,China

Research Area:International Trade; Business Environment; Cultural Industry; New Industry

Research experience:

Research project                                                       

[1] 2009 Participate in the Beijing University rural financial research, Data collection

[2] 2010 Participate in the National social science fund “Multiple Imbalances Under the Pattern of High-speed Economic Growth Sustainability and Stability Research”

[3] 2010 Participate in the translation (Dixit “Theory of International Trade”), Translation proofreading

[4] 2011 Participate in Xiangtan University-China Rural Development Research Center-“Thousand Village Survey”, Data collection

[5] 2013.12-2017.12 Guangdong Province Philosophy and Social Science Planning Project: Pearl River Delta Urban Agglomeration Division of Labor and Coordinated Development Model Research, Participants

[6] 2014.9-2016.9 Key Project of “Theoretical Guangdong Army” in Guangdong Province: Research on Theoretical and Practical Issues of Government Negative List Management, Participants, Part of report authors

[7] 2015.4-2015.7 The People's Bank of China Jiamusi Branch Office of Financial Stability Division of Youth Issues: Rural Cooperative Financial Institutions in The Context of The Restructuring of Operational Risk and Financial Supervision Research, Participants, Part of  report authors

[8] 2015.6-2016.6 Blue Book Research Project of Guangdong International Economic and Trade Research Center: Research on Utilization of Foreign Capital and Development of Guangdong Advanced Equipment Manufacturing Industry, Project leader, Report author

[9] 2015.9-2016.9 Jinan University “Challenge Cup” Students Extracurricular Academic Science and Technology Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition Project: The Government's Negative List Management Theory and Practice Research, Project leader, Report author

[10] 2015.9-date The Ministry of Education Humanities and Social Sciences Youth Fund Project: Service Enterprise Heterogeneity Perspective of China's Service Industry Internationalization Model and Economic Effects, Main participants

[11] 2016.3-2016.6 Project Entrusted by Management Committee of Nansha Development Zone, Guangzhou city, Guangdong province: Development Plan of Nansha Park, Cross-border Electronic Commerce Comprehensive Experimental Zone, Participant, Part of  report authors

[12] 2016.4-2016.7 The People's Bank of China Jiamusi Branch Office of the Financial Stability Division of the Youth Project: Land Transfer Intermediary Organization Implementation Analysis, Participants, Part of report authors

[13] 2017.5-2017.11 Qingyuan City United Front Work Department Youth Project: Rural Teacher Resource Allocation Research, Main participants, Part of report authors

[14] 2017.6-2017.9 Qingyuan Polytechnic Teaching Reform Project: Higher Vocational Education and Regional Industrial Balanced Development, Participants, Part of report authors

[15] 2017.6-2017.11 China (Guangdong) Pilot Free Trade Zone Research Institute of Jinan University: Research on the Management of Special Negative List of Hongkong and Macao Service Industry Access in Guangdong Free Trade Zone, Participants, Part of report authors

[16] 2017.6-2017.11 Blue Book Research Project of Guangdong International Economic and Trade Research Center: Guangdong Processing Trade 40 Years Review and Future Prospects, Project leader, Research author

[17] 2018.01-present Higher Education Teaching Research and Reform Project: Guangdong Province Applied Undergraduate Colleges and Universities Personnel Training Mode Innovative Undertaking Research, Major participants
[18] 2018.06-present Qingyuan City Science and Technology Plan Project: Urban Function Division of Labor Under the Background of Open Innovation System Construction-based on Qingyuan City Industry Analysis and Research, Second head
[19] 2018.6-present Guangzhou Economic Work Committee of National People's Congress Commissioned Project: Guangzhou Business Environment Comprehensive Evaluation and Optimization Research, Main participants
[20] 2018.07-present Youth Ministry of Education of Humanities and Social Science Fund Project: Based on the Perspective of Collective Reputation Division of the National Quality Status Formation Mechanism, and Policy Implications of the Empirical Testing Research, Participants
[21] 2018.08-present Branch of Guangdong Province Academy of Social Sciences Project: The Equalization of Public Service Under the Perspective of Qingyuan City High Quality Education Resources Research, Main participants

Research Achievements                                                                  

Research report

[1] Guangdong Province “Theory of Guangdong Army” Key Projects: The Government's Negative List Management Theory and Practice Research, part VII of the report

[2] Guangdong International Economic and Trade Research Center in 2015 Blue Book Research Project: Guangdong Advanced Equipment Manufacturing Use of Foreign Capital and Development Research, Research report, “Guangdong Foreign Economic and Trade Development Research Report 2015 – 2016”, Social Sciences Academic Press, 2016.8

[3] Jinan University “Challenge Cup” Students Extracurricular Academic Science and Technology Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition Project: The Government's Negative List Management Theory and Practice Research, Research Report

[4] Project Entrusted by The Management Committee of Nansha Development Zone, Guangzhou city, Guangdong province: Development Plan of Nansha Park, Cross-border Electronic Commerce Comprehensive Experimental Zone, Guangzhou, China, part II of the report

[5] Rural Cooperative Financial Institutions in the Process of Restructuring Problems and Corresponding Countermeasures - Jiamusi Rural Credit Cooperatives as An Example, Research Report

[6] Rural Land Intermediary Organization Service Organization System Construction, Operation Mechanism and Performance Evaluation of Land Transfer - Jiamusi City as An Example, Research Report

[7] The Allocation of Rural Teacher Resources Investigation and Analysis about Qingyuan City - Based on the Perspective of Balanced and High-quality Development of Urban and Rural Education Integration, Research Report

[8] Guangdong International Economic and Trade Research Center 2017 Annual Blue Book Research Project: Guangdong Processing Trade 40 Years Review and Future Prospects, Research Report, will be published on <Guangdong Foreign Economic and Trade Development Research Report 2017 – 2018>

Pubished papers


[1] Trade Openness and Manufacturing Industry Innovation Performance 

“science and technology progress and countermeasures”  (CSSCI)  

Dexue Liu, Weitao Liu                                                                                                            2016.12

[2] Foreign Investment Policy and Industry Pollution - Based on the Analysis of the Traditional Investment Model and the Free Trade Zone Negative List Model

“International Business” (CSSCI)

Dexue Liu, Weitao Liu                                                                                                            2017.03

[3] The Impact of Foreign Investment Industrial Policy on Foreign Capital Spillover Effect

“International Economic and Trade Exploration” (CSSCI)

Weitao Liu, Dexue Liu                                                                                                            2017.03

[4] Green Total Factor Productivity and Its Feedback Mechanism Research Under the New Normal Industry - Based on SBM - DDF Method of Guangdong Province Industry Panel Data “Science and technology management research” (CSSCI)

Qi Gao, Zonglin Yuan, Weitao Liu                                                                                          2018.04

[5] FDI Lock-in Effect on Chinese Manufacturing Enterprises

“Technical Economy and Management Research” (North Nuclear)

Hui he, Weitao Liu                                                                                                                  2018.05

[6] The Traditional Investment Model and the Free Trade Zone Negative List Model Comparison

“special economic zone”

Dexue Liu, Weitao Liu                                                                                                            2016.09

[7] Measurement Foreign Investment Industrial Policy

“China's Business Theory”

Weitao Liu, Dexue Liu                                                                                                          2016, (25)

[8] Negative List: China's New Model of Opening to the Outside World

“Modernization of Shopping Malls”

Weitao Liu, Dexue Liu                                                                                                          2016, (21)

[9] Intermediary Organizations on the Impact of Land Transfer Decision-making of Farmers
“Financial Reference”

Guiyi Zhou, Weitao Liu, Qi Gao                                                                                             2016.07

[10] The Traditional Industrial Supply-side Structural Reform Analysis on Qingyuan city - Cement and Ceramic Industry

“Special Economic Zone”

Hui He, Qi Gao, Weitao Liu                                                                                                    2017.11

[11] Review and Comment on the Study of Using FTZ to Promote the Development Level of Open Economy - A Case Study of Qingyuan city

“Jiangsu Business Theory”

Hui He, Qi Gao, Weitao Liu                                                                                                    2017.12

[12] Urban and Rural Dual Structure of Rural Teacher Resources Optimization Allocation Analysis - Based on Qingyuan city

“Guangdong Education”

Hui He, Weitao Liu,                                                                                                                2018.02


[1] Impacts of Infrastructure on One Country’s Trade-An Analysis Based on the ‘New Eurasian Continental Bridge Economic Corridor’ Along the ‘One Belt One Road’

“Journal of Modern Economy”          Weitao Liu (3rd)  Corresponding author                     2018.01

[2] Comparison of Industry Openness between Positive and Negative Inventory Management Modes

ICCESSH 2018 (CPCI-SSH)              Weitao Liu (1st)                                      Accepted

[3] Resource Status and Curse Threshold-An Empirical Study Based on Cross-national Panel Data

ICCESSH 2018 (CPCI-SSH)              Weitao Liu (2nd)                                     Accepted


[1]Financial Constraints on Firm Export: Evidence from Chinese Firm-Level Data 

Cooperator: Catherine Y.Co (UNO) Jinlan Ni (UNO)

Review experience                                                                 Editorial board member of <International Journal of Business and Economics Research>; Anonymous reviewer of “International Economic and Trade Exploration”(CSSCI)&“International Business”(CSSCI)

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