Welcome A. Prof Xiaoyan Jiang from Shanghai University of Engineering Science, China to be keynote speaker!

日期:07/02/2019 点击量:  412次

A. Prof Xiaoyan Jiang

Shanghai University of Engineering Science, China

Research Area:

Computer Vision, Artificial Intelligence

Research Experience:

I obtained Ph.D. in computer science from University of Jena, Germany. Research topics include SLAM, person re-identification, multi-object tracking, and semantic segmentation. I have published more than 20 publications. I am the PC member for International Conference of Pioneering Computer Scientists, Engineers and Educators (ICPCSEE2019). I am the reviewer for several top journals and conferences, e.g. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, Knowledge based Systems, International Conference on Multimedia and Expo. I have given oral presentations in several international conferences.
I am the principal investigator for the project "Data association and re-identification algorithms for multi-object tracking in non-overlapping camera networks" funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) for Youth Researchers. Moreover, I am the co-investigator (second) for the project "Multi-sensor localization and navigation of UAVs in bridge inspections" funded by Shanghai Science and Technology Committee (STCSM) for Essential Projects. I am the core researcher for the project "Dynamic 3D scene analysis and reconstruction based on object-level visual SLAM" funded by NSFC. I am the core researcher for 10 projects funded by NSFC (essential), Shanghai Municipal Education Commission. I am leading the sub-project on industrial defect detection of the project "Emerging technologies of defect detection on large-size aviation component surfaces" cooperated with an Aircraft manufacturing co. LTD.

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