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Adjunct Prof. LEE Chuan Guan, Remin University of China, China

李泉源教授,中国人民大学 ,中国

Research Area: sustainability and rural economic development, business strategy



Title:Emerging drivers of our global economic development



Abstract:Post-World War II, America’s emerged as a global superpower and its leadership peak with the fall of the Soviet Union in December 1991. America leads the world in the field of economic, technology, space exploration, international politics and military prowess. However, in the last decade, this leadership has appreciably waned due in part to its own policies and in part to a more assertive and rising contender, China. The current US-China trade war is not simply about trade but it is about an incumbent effort to curtail the rise of the new contender in economic, technology and geo-political influence. As a result of this trade war, global economies including the EU, BRIC, Japan and South Korea are facing economic slowdown and the real risk of a global recession in 2020. World leadership will become ‘clearer’ in the next 10 to 15 years but in the meantime, the world will become more polarized, probably “One world, two systems”, led by America and China respectively.

COP21 or the Paris Climate Agreement signed in December 2015 aims to keep global warming to below 2°C and reducing GHG (Green House Gas) emission by the year 2030. Climate change has a major impact not only on rising seawater level, unseasonal rainfall and drought, but on disease outbreak, agricultural production and human health.

With an additional 2 billion people in 30 year times, it possess new challenges if we were to avoid mass hunger, shortage of housing, health and income inequality. Severe poverty and mass hunger are potent breeding grounds for social unrest and terrorism, resulting in a less peaceful world.These emerging factors will drive how global economies will develop and in our rush to develop let be mindful of how sustainable can we be.

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Prof. Jingxiao Zhang, Chang'an University, China

张静晓教授,长安大学 ,中国


Research Area: Construction Economy and Service Management, Construction Industry Performance Measurement, Engineering Management BIM Education



Title:Improving the innovation ability of engineering students a Science and Technology Innovation Community organisation network analysis



Science and Technology Innovation Communities (STICs) are student-led partnerships that bring together businesses, research centres, and university staff. They constitute an effective way of promoting student innovation ability. However, the students' position within the STICs organisation network may condition how their innovation ability is effectively acquired. Using Social Network Analysis (SNA), this study measures how the STICs organisation network promotes the innovation ability of its actors. The paper finds that network centrality and structural holes of the STICs organisation network are positively correlated with student innovation ability. The results are validated through robustness tests in three different STICs, involving engineering students from China's Chang'an University. Semi-structured interviews are also conducted with 20 relevant actors of STICs. The conclusion suggests that a higher involvement of core actors, more support from schools, and more restrictive entry requirements are necessary to improve the organisation management and training level of engineering students in STICs.


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