Welcome Prof. Xiaxin TAO from Harbin Institute of Technology to be committee member!

日期:05/31/2018 点击量:  637次

Prof.Xiaxin TAO,Harbin Institute of Technology,China

Research Experience:

   Ph. D. in Earthquake Engineering, Institute of Engineering Mechanics (1986)
   M. S. in Earthquake Engineering, Institute of Engineering Mechanics (1982)

B.S. in Hydro Geology and Engineering Geology, The Changchun Geological Institute (1975)
 Professor, Harbin Institute of Technology (2002-present)

  Professor, Institute of Engineering Mechanics (1993- 2002)
  Associate Professor, Institute of Engineering Mechanics (1991-1993)
  Research Associate, Institute of Engineering Mechanics (1982-1991)
  Research Assistant, Institute of Engineering Mechanics (1975-1982)

   Member, Seismological Society of China, 1998- present
   Member, Editorial Board, ACTA, Seismological Sinica, 1998-present

   Member, Editorial Board, World Information on Earthquake Engineering, 1993-present

   Member, Editorial Board, Earthquake Engineering and engineering Vibration, 1992-present

   Member, Editorial Board, Plateau Earthquake, 1988-present



(1)Developed an elliptical attenuation model for probabilistic seismic hazard assessment.

(2)Built a computer aided system for seismicity tendency forecast by the Artificial Neural Network Approach

(3)Developed a procedure for compiling the National Seismic Zoning Map (1990) of China

(4)Developed a procedure for fitting Intensity attenuation relationship by means of the Error Back Propagation Approach

(5)Developed a new two-step fitting procedure of strong ground motion attenuation relationship

(6)Built a GIS based earthquake losses assessment and emergency response system for DAQING OIL FIELD

(7)Developed a synthesis procedure of strong ground motion at near field

(8)Developed a approach to inverse the shear wave velocity structure from microtremors observed at ground array

(9)Developed a approach to inverse the excitation source function by railway traffic in unban area

(10)Developed a model of moisture migration in soil during freeze and thaw process  

X. Tao, H. Liu, J. Lu, X. Sun and H. Wang (2011). Coherency between Ground Motions Synthesized for Analysis Input of Large Span Structure. Proc. of ERES 2011, Chianciano Terme, Italy

TAO Xiaxin, LIU Haiming (2011), Synthesized  ground motions as inconsistent input for seismic analysis of large span bridges. Proc. of ICVSEM2011. Shanghai, China

TAO Xia Xin, ZHENG Xin and WANG FuTong (2011). Excitation source function of ground vibration from urban railway traffic by an inversion procedure. Advanced Science Letters

Tao Xiaxin, Sun Xiaodan, Liu Haiming and Li Ping(2009). Some issues on forecast of strong ground motion field. Proc. of the 7th International Conference on Earthquake Resistant Engineering Structures, Cyprus

Tao Xiaxin, Liu Haiming, Sun Xiaodan, Liu Taojun, Li Ping and Zhou Zhenghua(2009). PGA Field of the Great Wenchuan Earthquake Mw 8.0 Forecasted from a Hybrid Source Model. Asian-Pacific network of centers for earthquake engineering research workshop, Urbana, USA

Tao Xia-Xin,Zhao Gang,Liu Bing,Xu Hao (2009). Soil sample experiment on water migration in soilduring freeze-thaw process. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology (New Series), 16(SUPPL. 1):233-236

TAO Xiaxin, SUN Xiaodan, WANG Guoxin(2008). An dynamic corner frequency based source spectral model, Proc. of the 14WCEE. S02004

TAO Xiaxin,ZHENG Xin,XING Qiang(2008). Virtual Inversion of Environment Vibration Source of Rail Traffic in Urban Area, Proc. of the International conference on urban transport, UT2008, Malta

X. X. Tao, S. W. Geng, Z. R. Tao (2006). Some Thoughts on Earthquake Action Provision in Seismic design Code. Proc. of 8NCEE. San Francisco, USA

Tao Xiaxin, Tao Zhengru(2005). Financial instruments integrated with engineering risk assessment for earthquake disaster reduction. Safety and Security Engineering. V 83 of WIT Transactions on the Built Environment

TAO Xiaxin and WANG Haiyun(2004), A random source model for near filed strong ground motion prediction, Proc. of 13WCEE, Vancouver. Paper No.1945

TAO Xiaxin et. al., (2002). A Sino-Japan microtremors array observation, World Information on Earthquake Engineering, V.24,N.2

TAO Xiaxin et. al., (2001). Site condition evaluation by means of microtermors array observation, Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration, V.21, N.4

TAO Xiaxin, (2000). Development of Seismo-Engineering Geology in China, World Information on Earthquake Engineering, V.22,N.4

TAO Xiaxin and ZHENG Guangfen, (1998). An intelligence aided system for estimating the seismicity tendency, Earthquake Prognostic, Germany

TAO Xiaxin and CUI Zhengtao, (1996). A procedure for rating site with considering the combination effect of soil layers, Proc. of 11WCEE, Acoplus, Mexico

TAO Xiaxin, (1995). Microzonation of Suihua City, Proc. of 5ICSZ, Nice, France

TAO Xiaxin and ZHENG Guangfen, (1993). Intensity attenuation relationship fitted by the Error Back Propagation Approach, Earthquake Research in China, V.7, N.2

TAO Xiaxin, (1992). Seismic hazard assessment procedure for Intensity, Seleted papers for earthquake engineering research, Seismological Press

TAO Xiaxin and ZHENG Guangfen, (1991). Intensity attenuation relationship for seismic zonation of China, Proc. of 4ICSZ

TAO, (1986). A seismic hazard analysis procedure for zoning map of the Beijing-Tianjun-Tangshan region, Proc. of Euro-China Joint Seminar on Earthquake Engineering

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