Welcome Dr. Waheeb Abu-Ulbeh from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia to be committee member!

日期:09/09/2019 点击量:  331次

Dr. Waheeb Abu-Ulbeh(Jordanian Researcher), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia

Research Area:

MIS, Cyber Security, Information systems security management, learning management systems, Information systems with leadership

Research experience:

1. In my master degree; my research was about noise elimination from the gray images, which sometimes causes losing some information from the original image. In our research work, we proposed an algorithm to eliminate the noise from the gray image and reconstruct it in order to get an image without losing any piece of information.

Ulbeh, W. A., Moustafa, A., & Alqadi, Z. A. (2009). Gray image reconstruction. European Journal of Scientific Research, 27(2), 167-173. 

2. In my Ph.D.; my research was about Cyber Crime and exactly Cyberstalking, which has been identified as a growing anti-social problem and has been defined in various different ways to correspond with the great variety of forms that cyberstalking manifests. I was developed a cyberstalking victimization model to understand and estimate the prevalence of the cyberstalking victimization, and got 2 copyright;

“Survey on Cyberstalking Victimization” < 2015 > Universiti Teknologi Malaysia – All Rights Reserved. Copyright Innovation and Commercialization Centre, UTM – Johor, Malaysia 2015.

“Cyberstalking Victimization Model Using Two Domains Of Criminological Theory” < 2015 > Universiti Teknologi Malaysia – All Rights Reserved. Copyright Innovation and Commercialization Centre, UTM – Johor, Malaysia 2015.

3. I have been worked as researcher in information systems dept. @ university technology Malaysia from Sep. 2011 – Mar. 2018 and published and participated as following:

RAFI’I AL ABDULRAHEEM, Abeer; ABUMALLOH, Rabab; ABU-ULBEH, Waheeb. Evaluation of Jordanian Banks Websites Usability. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, [S.l.], v. 7, n. 2.29, p. 826-829, may 2018. ISSN 2227-524X. Available at: <https://www.sciencepubco.com/index.php/ijet/article/view/14265>. 

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