Welcome Prof.Jingpei Cao from China University of Mining & Technology to be Committee Member!

日期:08/09/2019 点击量:  468次


Welcome Prof.Jingpei Cao from China University of Mining & Technology to be Committee Member!

曹景沛   教授/博导  

 Prof. Jingpei Cao  


                                                China University of Mining & Technology



研究经历:主持/完成了国家重点研发计划政府间国际科技创新合作重点专项、国家重点研发计划子课题、国家自然科学基金面上项目、国家自然科学基金山西煤基低碳联合基金培育项目、国家自然科学基金青年基金、江苏省自然科学基金面上项目、徐州市科技计划基金等项目十余项,参与国家973计划课题和科技部中日战略合作项目等项目六项。在J. Power Sources, ACS Sustain Chem EngBioresourc. Technol.Fuel等国际能源化工界知名学术SCI源期刊发表学术论文93篇,其中3篇论文入选ESI数据库工程领域高被引论文,2篇并被评为Research Front。授权日本专利1项,申请发明专利6件,出版英文专著1部,获中国石油和化学工业联合会科技进步二等奖和三等奖各1项,获淮海科学技术奖二等奖1项;主讲本科生《化工概论(双语)》和《精细化工工艺学》、研究生课程《实验研究方法与论文写作》等课程;主持完成校级教改项目一项,发表教学论文3篇,获江苏省2013年团队优秀毕业设计(论文)、第三届高等学校自制实验教学仪器设备二等奖、中国矿业大学教学成果奖一等奖等教学奖励,并评为中国矿业大学百佳本科教学教师、十佳青年教职工、促进就业先进个人和本科毕业设计(论文)优秀指导教师等荣誉称号。


Personal Profile

Research Area: Thermo conversion of biomass and low-grade coal

Research Experience: ing-Pei Cao is head of the Department of Chemical Engineering at China University of Mining and Technology. Prof. Cao holds a Ph.D. in Environment Management from Gunma University. He is a member of ACS, CCS and SCEJ. He has devoted to study the selective conversion of low grade resources, such as biomass and lignite, to valuable light aromatics via in-situ catalytic fast pyrolysis, and established a theory and process system to selective reforming of volatiles from low-grade resources to specific products over high reactivity of nickel supported on lignite-derived activated carbon catalyst. He has published 100 SCI scientific papers. Three publications were selected as top 1% ESI highly cited papers, and two of them were rated as Research Front. The total number of citation times was 1800, the H-index of the applicant is 24. One international patent was authorized, six Chinese invention patents were applied, and one English monograph was published by the applicant, respectively. He was awarded the honors/titles of young and middle-aged scientific and technical leaders for "333 High Level Talent Training Project", and the high-level talents for "Six Talents Peaks" in Jiangsu Province, respectively. He was also awarded 4 prizes for science and technology progress in China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation (CPCIF).

Personal Websitehttp://scet.cumt.edu.cn/95/04/c6674a431364/page.htm


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