Welcome A.Prof.Guoyu Ren from Yulin University to be Committee Member!

日期:08/06/2019 点击量:  557次


Weicome A.Prof.Guoyu Ren from Yulin University to be Committee Member!


任国瑜   副教授

   A.Prof. Guoyu Ren


Yulin University



研究经历:曾参与超重力法则制备纳米酸钠钙生产线的核心设备—旋转填充床的设计、重大专项、国际863计划等国家级项目七项;主持陕西省科技厅教育项目、榆林市科技局项目、高校博士基金等十余项。先后在《APPLIED ORGANOMETALLIC  CHEMIETRY》等国内外知名期刊发表论文十余篇,授权发明专利两件。主讲本科生课程2门,研究生课程1门。前后荣获陕西省首届高校课堂教学创新大赛优秀奖、榆林学院青年教师讲课比赛特等奖一等奖,榆林市自然科学优秀学术论文二等奖。

Personal Profile

Research Areaprocess intensification of heat transfer and mass transfer; material synthesis.

Research ExperienceUp to now, I have participated in 7 projects of the Ministry of Education for High Gravity Engineering and Technology, and national 863 plan of China. Then I hosted 10 special research fund projects for doctoral programs and provincial and ministerial scientific research and talent fund projects. As the first author, I published 10 research papers, such as Applied organometallic chemistry Journal. In the collage, I instruct 2 courses in undergraduate level and 1 course in postgraduate level. Before and after, I won the excellence award of the first college classroom teaching innovation competition of Shaanxi province, the first prize of the special prize of young teachers' lecture competition of Yulin University, and the second prize of outstanding academic papers of natural science of Yulin City.



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