2022海洋探测与环境效应国际学术会议(ICODEE 2022)

地址 长沙市
地址 2022-11-18 09:00 至 2022-11-19 06:00

2022海洋探测与环境效应国际学术会议(ICODEE 2022)

2022 International Conference on Ocean Detection and Environmental Effect (ICODEE 2022)

  • 会议简介

2022 International Conference on Ocean Detection and Environmental Effect (ICODEE 2022) aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and academics to exchange and share their experiences and research findings in all aspects of ocean sensing and ocean acoustics.  It also provides an important interdisciplinary platform for researchers, practitioners and educators to showcase and discuss the latest innovations, trends and concerns in the field of ocean sensing and ocean acoustics, as well as practical challenges encountered and solutions adopted.  

2022海洋探测与环境效应国际学术会议(ICODEE 2022)旨在汇集顶尖的学术科学家、研究人员和研究学者,交流和分享他们在海洋传感和海洋声学各个方面的经验和研究成果。它还为研究人员、从业者和教育工作者提供了一个重要的跨学科平台,以展示和讨论海洋传感和海洋声学领域的最新创新、趋势和关注点,以及遇到的实际挑战和采用的解决方案。

  • 重要信息

point8_7s.png  大会官网www.uasoo.com.cn 

point8_7s.png  Conference Dates: November 19-20, 2022


point8_7s.png  Deadline for registration:November 15, 2022


  • 会议范围和主题

1. Ocean sensors(海洋传感)

2. Ocean acoustics(海洋声学)

3. Acoustic signal processing(声信号处理)

4. Ocean environment and acoustic tomography(海洋环境与声波层析成象法)

5. Underwater communication and networking(水下通信与网络)

Special Journal Issues

International Conference on Ocean Sensing and Ocean Acoustics in collaboration with Frontiers in Marine Science special issue.  A selection of high-impact full-text papers will also be included in the special issue.  All papers submitted will have a chance to be accepted in this special issue of the journal.  Paper selection will take place during the peer review process as well as during the conference presentation.  Submissions may not be accepted by any other journal or publication.  The final decision on paper selection will be based on a peer-reviewed report submitted jointly by the guest editor and the editor-in-chief.  Selected full-text papers will be published online.  




  • 主办方


  • 协办方


  • 承办方

厦门大学.jpg   图片1.png

  • 大会主席

  • 主讲嘉宾

  • 会议议程

  • 参会方式

Details of the attending registration

1.Registration fees for ICODEE 2022  is free.

   ICODEE 2022的报名参会费用是免费的

2.Join as a Presenter: If you are only interested in giving a presentation at the conference , you can choose to attend ICODEE 2022 as a Presenter. As a presenter, you need to submit the Abstract and Title of your presentation during the registration. For further information, please contact us at: hbpanpan@163.com 

口头报告:如果您只对在大会上发言感兴趣,您可以选择以主讲人的身份参加ICODEE 2022。 作为报告者,您需要在注册时提交演示摘要和标题。 如需更多信息,请联系我们:hbpanpan@163.com

3.Join as a Listener: ICODEE 2022 is an unmissable conference. It is a good chance and an effective platform for you to meet many renowned experts and researchers in the field of the latest academic research. You are welcome to attend this great event. You just need to complete the registration as a Listener before the registration deadline.

作为听众加入:ICODEE 2022是一个不容错过的会议。 这是一个很好的机会和有效的平台,让您与众多在最新学术研究领域的知名专家和研究人员见面。 欢迎你来参加这个盛会。 您只需要在注册截止日期前完成注册报名即可。


  • 联系我们

Conference Secretary(会议负责人): 




E-mail(电子邮箱): hbpanpan@163.com 

If you have any question or inquiries, please feel free to contact us.
