ࡱ> ! bjbj;*uuC   8D$hD 9X(   `RNWWWWWW$Z\jW!!  !!W4Wc%c%c%!T`Rc%!`Rc%c%IL2$Bq U"ZK8LR X09XK$)]U")]LLL>)]LX "@ c%X l    WW#x   9X!!!!)]          :Title of the paper Author1, X. Y.1 Author2, Y. Z.2* 1Institution Full address (phone: +xx-x-xxx-xxx; fax: +xx-x-xxx-xxxx) *Corresponding author e-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:user@host.domain" user@host.domain; phone:..; fax:.. (Received ; accepted ) Abstract. Text of the abstract limited to 200 words. Keywords: at least five, excluding words from the title Introduction Text of the introduction. Section title Subsection title Subheading Text with references to figures (Fig. 1) and tables (Table 1). For literature references, use the Harvard style (Author, 2012; Author 1 and Author 2, 2010; Author 1 et al., 2011) . Alternatively, the authors surname may be integrated into the text, followed by the year of publication in parentheses.  Figure 1. Title of the given figure, graph or image included in the document Text Table 1 shows Table 1. Title of the table Column1Column2Row1 Text should contain lists in the following format: First item. Second item. Equations(Please use Equation Editor of Word!): EMBED Equation.3 (Eq.1) Acknowledgements. If any, should be placed here. References Fleming, R. A., Barclay, H. J., Candau, J. N. (2002): Scaling-up an autoregressive time-series model (of spruce budworm population dynamics) changes its qualitative behaviour.  Ecological Modelling 149(1-2): 127-142. Podani, J. (1994): Multivariate Data Analysis in Ecology and Systematics. SPB Publishing, The Hague. Thompson, J. N. (1984): Insect Diversity and the Trophic Structure of Communities. In: Huffaker, C. B. (ed.) Ecological Entomology. Wiley-Interscience, New York. Tthmrsz, B. (1995): Comparison of different methods for diversity ordering. Journal of Vegetation Science 6: 283-290.     Author1 et al.: (Author1 - Author2:) Short running title with lowercase first letters  PAGE - 1 - APPLIED ECOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH X(y): pp-pp. http://www.aloki.hu % ISSN 1589 1623 (Print) % ISSN 1785 0037 (Online) DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15666/aeer/& .. ( 2018, ALKI Kft., Budapest, Hungary !"#$1245678}~  < ƻ|k|e]h[[h{S5 h{S0J*!hvyCJaJmHnHsH tHu'hYKh{SCJaJmHnHsH tHu!h{SCJaJmHnHsH tHuhhph0J>*B*ph hphjhphU hph{ShMc<h{SH* h{SH*hMc<h+8H* h+8aJ h+8H*aJ h+8H*h[[h+8h{S"7}2 j x = > ? 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